Edge Conditions 1

I thought I heard a bird was curated by Raquel Ormella for Craft ACT in 2019. The works in I thought I heard a bird consider what it is to represent without picturing landscape where birds are present or absent. both to focus on the histories birds signify, and what it is to consider the bird as a marker for a landscape and environment. The included works address the theme both conceptually and practically, ranging from paintings to models of realised public works of habitat architecture. I thought I heard a bird continues to evolve, with additional artists and architects and new works being added for a second iteration of the exhibit scheduled for October 2020 in Hobart, Tasmania.
For the original exhibition, Eriksmoen developed 4 new original artworks specifically addressing the issue of habitat reduction and loss for Australian native birds, and an imagined future without birdlife. The piece "Edge Conditions 1" mimics a human-sized nest of sticks of accumulated salvaged wood furniture legs and rails, and stuffed with discarded clothing. The work is hung against the ceiling flush with a corner of the gallery, much like a wasp or swallows nest clings to the architecture and occupies enclosed corners. The work speaks of an ambivalent position of humans in relation to nature and wildlife in relationship to architecture in the shared and contested space of the urban environment: whose space is it, and who is watching who?