Review: Re-Forestation: How to Make a Tree from a Chair
Essay written by Anne Brennan on Eriksmoen's installation exhibit of the same title at Canberra Museum and Gallery (CMAG) in May, 2013.
Norwegian Wood 2006
Blog of Eriksmoen's research and observations on traditional Norwegian woodworking, especially sled and boat building, during her 10 weeks in Norway on the Norwegian Marshall Fund Grant.
The Furniture Society
The Furniture Society is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization founded in 1996, whose mission is to advance the art of furniture making, by inspiring creativity, promoting excellence, and fostering an understanding of this art and its place in society. Eriksmoen has been an active member since 2000, a member of the editorial board from 2004-2007, and a presenter at conferences in 2008 and 2010.
College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program
Internationally renowned woodworking program in Fort Bragg, California. Intensive 9 month program was lead by James Krenov from 1981 to 2002, and still continues in its devotion to teaching Fine Woodworking. Eriksmoen was a student of Krenov's from 1996-1998, and she has since taught summer courses in Furniture Design at College of the Redwoods.